
王秀鵬1) ,etc

課題番号                :S-20-NM-0005

利用形態               :技術補助

利用課題名(日本語)    :ナノ材料の合成と生物医学的応用

Program Title (English) :Synthesis and biomedical application of nanomaterials

利用者名(日本語)      :王秀鵬1) ,etc

Username (English)     :Xiupeng Wang1) ,etc.

所属名(日本語)        :1) 産業技術総合研究所 (AIST)

Affiliation (English)  :1) National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST)




We used NIMS Molecule & Material Synthesis Platform to study the interaction between different nanomaterials and cells. The particle size and surface charge, drug/protein adsorption/release and cellular uptake of the different nanomaterials were studied.







Equipments used in this year include レーザーゼータ電位計, 動的光散乱(ダイナミック光散乱光度計), 共焦点レーザー顕微鏡, フローサイトメトリーetc. The experiment operation was guided by the specialist in NIMS Molecule & Material Synthesis Platform. Operation of the equipment was in accordance with the guidebook of the equipment.


3.結果と考察(Results and Discussion)

We synthesized gadolinium oxide nanospheres in National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST). These gadolinium oxide nanospheres were used as immunoadjuvant in AIST. Part of evaluation of these hydroxyapatite nanorods was supported by NIMS Molecule & Material Synthesis Platform.


For example, using 共焦点レーザー顕微鏡 TCS SP5, we studied effect gadolinium oxide nanospheres on cancer antigen cellular uptake by dendritic cells. Free model cancer antigen was only slightly uptaken by antigen presenting cells. Gadolinium oxide nanospheres markedly increased antigen cellular uptake by antigen presenting cells, indicating gadolinium oxide nanospheres may act as cancer immunoadjuvant. In addition, Using レーザーゼータ電位計 and ダイナミック光散乱光度計, we evaluated particle size and zeta potential of the gadolinium oxide nanospheres.







(1) Xia Li, Xiupeng Wang, Atsuo Ito, Noriko M. Tsuji, A nanoscale metal organic frameworks-based vaccine synergises with PD-1 blockade to potentiate anti-tumour immunity, Nature Communications, 2020; 11: 3858

(2) Xia Li, Xiupeng Wang, Atsuo Ito, An MRI-visible immunoadjuvant based on hollow Gd2O3 nanospheres for cancer immunotherapy, Chemical Communications, 2020; 56: 8186-8189




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