
Fabrication and characterization of biomass-derived carbon materials
王 志朋1), 緒方 啓典2)(1) 江西師範大学, 2) 法政大学)

課題番号 :S-20-SH-0003
利用形態 :共同研究型支援
利用課題名(日本語) :
Program Title (English) :Fabrication and characterization of biomass-derived carbon materials
利用者名(日本語) :王 志朋1), 緒方 啓典2)
Username (English) :Z. Wang1), H. Ogata2)
所属名(日本語) :1) 江西師範大学, 2) 法政大学
Affiliation (English) :1) Jiangxi Normal University, 2) Hosei University

1.概要(Summary )
Fullerene soot (FS), which is the main byproduct in the production of arc-discharge fullerenes, is a kind of amorphous carbon and has been also employed to successfully obtain the iron-decorated carbon nanorods, SWCNTs, and DWCNTs using modified arc discharge technique, and graphite whiskers under high temperature treatment. In this research, we have found for the first time the growth of vertical graphene (VG) films from FS powders under microwave plasma irradiation (MPI).
The transformation process of VG films from FS powders is described as follows: the untreated FS powders were measured and loaded in the home-made nickel foil box (the thickness of nickel foil: 0.02 mm, Nilaco), which was ultrasonically cleaned by acetone, ethanol, and distilled water, then dried in an oven. Prior to plasma generation, the reaction chamber was evacuated to be the base pressure of 30 Pa by a rotary pump. Subsequently, a mixture gas of H2 and Ar (20 sccm: 20 sccm) was introduced into the reaction chamber, and then was ignited by 2.45 GHz microwaves at 1200 W to generate the plasma. After the irradiation for 15 min, the plasma was shut down, the H2 gas was closed, and the sample was naturally cooled down with the flow of Ar gas. The resulting VGs were characterized using a field emission scanning electron microscope (FE-SEM, Hitachi SU-8020) operated at 15 kV, a transmission electron microscope (TEM, JEOL JEM-2100F) operated at 200 kV, a RENISHAW inVia Raman spectroscope with a laser of 532 nm, and an X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS, PHI Quantera II) with monochromatic Al Kα X-rays.
3.結果と考察(Results and Discussion)

VG films shown in Figs. 1 and 2 were obtained.

(1) Zhipeng Wang*, Yipei Li, Jian Liu, Tian Gui, Gang Liu*, Mingxi Wang*, Hironori Ogata, Wei Gong, Adavan Kiliyankil Vipin, Gan Jet Hong Melvin, Josue Ortiz-Medina, Shingo Morimoto, Yoshio Hashimoto, Mauricio Terrones, Morinobu Endo, Microwave plasma-induced growth of vertical graphene from fullerene soot, Carbon 172, (2021) 26-30.
(2) Zhipeng Wang*, Yipei Li, Jian Liu, Tian Gui, Hironori Ogata, Wei Gong, Adavan Kiliyankil Vipin, Yanqing Wang, Gan Jet Hong Melvin, Josue Ortiz-Medina, Shuwen Wang, Rodolfo Cruz-Silva, Shingo Morimoto, Yoshio Hashimoto, Bunshi Fugetsu, Ichiro Sakata, Mauricio Terrones, Morinobu Endo, “Facile synthesis of graphene sheets intercalated by carbon spheres for high-performance supercapacitor electrodes”, Carbon 167, (2020) 11-18. (IF: 8.821).

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