
横山 実1)
1) 花王株式会社

課題番号 :S-18-NM-0024
利用形態 :機器利用
利用課題名(日本語) :酵素と界面活性剤の相互作用解析
Program Title (English) :Analysis of interaction between enzymes and surfactants
利用者名(日本語) :横山 実1)
Username (English) :M.Yokoyama1)
所属名(日本語) :1) 花王株式会社
Affiliation (English) :1) KaoCorporation

Surfactants are able to effect for enzyme activity. So we try to find whether the enzyme is denatured by surfactants with CD spectrum.

 Circular Dichroism spectrometer (J-725, JASCO)

【Experimental method】
・ Anionic surfactant (Surfactant A)
・ Amphoteric Surfactants (Surfactant B)
・ Enzyme for washing
・ 50 mM Citric acid buffer pH 7.5 (Buffer)

10 mM surfactant A, B and no surfactants in buffer and enzyme are mixed each. And the mixture is incubated for 10 minutes at 25℃. After that the mixture is analyzed by CD spectrum.

(CD analysis conditions)
Cell length: 1 cm
Scan count : 3 times
Wave length 200 – 280 [nm]

3.Results and Discussion
Analysis results with CD spectrum shown at Figure. 1.
(Sample are surfactant A, B and control)

Fig .1 Result of CD spectrums

Compared with control and surfactants mixture samples,
surfactants mixture spectrums are changed slightly.
(Especially 210 – 230 nm range)
This result indicates enzyme is denatured by those surfactants and enzyme activity is decreased.

Drs. Li Jie and Taro Takemura trained me about how to control the equipment in detail. And when I had some trouble, they helped me and solved the problems.

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