
王 延青、古月文志1)
日本トリム1) 東京大学 大学院工学系研究科TMI専攻坂田研究室2)

課題番号 :S-18-SH-0008
利用形態 :機器利用
利用課題名(日本語) :電解還元水素水の電極材料の評価
Program Title (English) :Investigation of electrode material of Electrically Reduced Water
利用者名(日本語) :王 延青、古月文志1)
Username (English) :Y. WANG 1), B. Fugetsu 2)
所属名(日本語) :日本トリム1) 東京大学 大学院工学系研究科TMI専攻坂田研究室2)
Affiliation (English) :Nihon Trim,The University of Tokyo, Graduate School of Engineering, Department of Technology Management for Innovation

1.概要(Summary )
Platinum is the best material for electrical contacts, particularly in the electrically reduced water. The morphology investigation and structural analysis is one of the tools to evaluate the electrode material. Previous researchers have done tremendous amount of studies in minimizing the Pt usage. Therefore, it is nontrivial to fabricate a monolayer Pt coating on a large area substrate, particularly on a 3D substrate with complex structures.

Main equipment:SEM
Methods:With the aid of conductive adhesive, the sample was placed on it and investigated.

3.結果と考察(Results and Discussion)

Perhaps due to the nano size level itself, it is not successful to obtain the clear morphology of the sample. We consider to synthesize more large size of particles and then investigate in future.

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