
Structural characterization of Co-Ni layered double hydroxide catalysts
Tran Viet Thu1), Shinya Maenosono2)
1) Le Quy Don Technical University, 2) JAIST

Subject Number : S-20-JI-0002
Support Type : Technical surrogate
Proposal Title (English) : Structural characterization of Co-Ni layered double hydroxide catalysts
Username (English) : Tran Viet Thu1), Shinya Maenosono2)
Affiliation (English) : 1) Le Quy Don Technical University, 2) JAIST

1. Summary
We synthesized Co-Ni layered double hydroxide (LDH) catalysts. Co-Ni LDH catalysts were nicely controlled in terms of morphology and composition, and it exhibited high catalytic activity for dye degradation.
To fully characterize their structure, it was necessary to perform XPS, HRTEM, and STEM analyses for the catalysts (before the reaction); and XPS and HRTEM for the used catalyst (after the reaction). Those data are invaluable to understand material structure and deeply discuss about the catalytsis mechanism.

2. Experimental
The HRTEM observations for the Co-Ni LDH catalysts before the reaction (Co-Ni LDH1) and after the reaction (Co-Ni LDH2) were carried out using Hitachi H-9000NAR.

3. Results and Discussion
Figures 1 and 2 show the HRTEM image and SAED patterns of Co-Ni LDH1 and Co-Ni LDH2, respectively. The morphology of the catalysts didn’t seem to change significantly before and after the reaction. However, the crystallinity of the catalysts seems to be improved after the reaction.
Those information was very important to understand the catalysis mechanisms of Co-Ni LDH catalysts.

Figure 1. (Left) HRTEM image and (right) SAED pattern of Co-Ni LDH1.

Figure 2. (Left) HRTEM image and (right) SAED pattern of Co-Ni LDH2.

4. Others

5. Publication/Presentation

6. Patent

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