
Study on NV center formation in nanodiamonds.
Sreenath Mylo Valappil1)
Deepartment of ASEM, Kyushu University.

Subject Number : S-20-KU-0054
Support Type : Common use (including technical support necessary for the training)
Proposal Title (English) : Study on NV center formation in nanodiamonds.
Username (English) :Sreenath Mylo Valappil1)
Affiliation (English) :1)Deepartment of ASEM, Kyushu University.

1. Summary
Sensing at extreme conditions and high-performance device fabrication using ultrananocrystalline diamond (UNCD) is highly attractive method for next-generation devices and applications to living body as fluorescent markers. We have developed UNCD sensors for spin-sensing, near-infrared sensing and/or deep-ultraviolet region sensing by means of UNCD homo-junction and hetero-junction prepared by Laser-induced doping or by creating quantum center formation. Process development of quantum center formation are achieved by nitrogen-vacant center formed under nitrogen-doping by our newly developed coaxial arc plasma deposition. Raman spectra of nitrogen and silicon doped UNCD films was carried out to clarify the structural features of the materials at the Molecular and material synthesis division of Nanotechnology platform.

2. Experimental
Apparatus; Laser-Raman spectrometer Ramantouch (Nanophoton)

Proper training has been taken from Mr. Aratani and Mr. Toshimitsu before the handling of the apparatus by ourselves. The photo-response has been extracted by finding proper points of best response for samples with different doping concentrations of silicon and nitrogen using 532 nm laser.

3. Results and Discussion
Vibronic transition peaks of graphite and the disorder peaks usually found in amorphus carbon are obtained. There is no clear observation about the electronic transition in our sample to analyse for the ZPL of NV centers.

4. Others

5. Publication/Presentation

6. Patent

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