
Synthesis and biomedical application of nanomaterials
Xiupeng Wang,Xia Li, Guowen Qian, Shumin Pang.
National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST)

Subject Number             : S-18-NM-0007

Support Type                : 機器利用

Proposal Title (English)      : Synthesis and biomedical application of nanomaterials

Username (English)         : :Xiupeng Wang,Xia Li, Guowen Qian, Shumin Pang.

Affiliation (English)             : National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST)



  1. Summary

We used NIMS Molecule & Material Synthesis Platform to study the interaction between different nanomaterials and cells. The particle size and surface charge, drug/protein adsorption/release, cellular uptake of the different nanomaterials were studied.


  1. Experimental

Equipments used in this year include レーザーゼータ電位計 ELSZ-1000, 動的光散乱(ダイナミック光散乱光度計)DLS-8000HAL, セルアナライザー SP6800, 共焦点レーザー顕微鏡 TCS SP5, etc. The experiment operation was guided by the specialist in NIMS Molecule & Material Synthesis Platform. Operation of the equipment was in accordance with the guidebook of the equipment.


  1. Results and Discussion

We synthesized mesoporous silica-zinc oxide micro-rosettes and Si-doping hydroxyapatite nanorods in National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST). These materials were used as immunoadjuvant in AIST. Part of evaluation of these stellated fibrous mesoporous silica nanoparticles was supported by NIMS Molecule & Material Synthesis Platform.

For example, using共焦点レーザー顕微鏡 TCS SP5, we studied effect of mesoporous silica-zinc oxide micro-rosettes and Si-doping hydroxyapatite nanorods on cancer antigen. From the results, mesoporous silica-zinc oxide micro-rosettes and Si-doping hydroxyapatite nanorods promoted cancer antigen uptake by antigen presenting cells in vitro.


  1. Others

We thank Drs. Li Jie, Li Xinglan for the technical support.


  1. Publication/Presentation
  2. Guowen Qian Xiupeng Wang (C.A.), Xia Li, Atsuo Ito, Yu Sogo and Jiandong Ye. An immuno- potentiating vehicle made of mesoporous silica-zinc oxide micro-rosettes with enhanced doxorubicin loading for combined chemoimmunotherapy. Chemical Communications. 2019; 55: 961-964
  3. Xiupeng Wang (C.A.), Shu Ihara, Xia Li, Atsuo Ito, Yu Sogo, Yohei Watanabe, Noriko M. Tsuji, Atsushi Yamazaki. Si-doping increases the adjuvant activity of hydroxyapatite nanorods. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces. 2019; 174: 300–307


  1. Patent



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