
Synthesis and characterization of low dimensional materials
Muhammed Emre Ayhan 1)
1) Necmettin Erbakan University, Turkey

課題番号                :S-19- NI-0023

利用形態                :技術相談

Program Title (English) :Synthesis and characterization of low dimensional materials

Username (English)     :Muhammed Emre Ayhan 1)

Affiliation (English)  :1) Necmettin Erbakan University, Turkey



1.概要(Summary )

The synthesis and characterization of low-dimensional nanomaterials, such as carbon nanotubes, graphene, hexagonal boron nitride and transition metal dichalcogenides, are of the current topics, and the nanotechnology platform at Nagoya Institute of Technology (NITech) provides their synthesis techniques using chemical vapor deposition and ion beam irradiation [1-3]. Based on those techniques, ultra-low temperature graphitization was tackled.


Amorphous carbon films with Ni nanoparticles (NPs) were deposited onto microgrids and SiO2/Si substrates at room temperature (RT) and at 50oC. For those samples, the graphitization was observed without any post-annealing by transmission electron microscopy (TEM; JEM ARM 200F) operated at 200 kV) and Raman spectroscopy (NRS 3300 laser Raman spectrometer), and the surface morphology of the film was observed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM; JSM-5600).

3.結果と考察(Results and Discussion)

The amorphous carbon surrounding and in-between the Ni NPs started to be graphitized during the film deposition even at RT. The graphitization was confirmed by both high-resolution TEM (HR-TEM) and 2D peak in Raman analyses (Fig. 1). It was also observed that the partial oxidation of the Ni NPs led to the less graphitization even at the elevated deposition temperature. Based on the detailed HR-TEM analyses, the decreased oxidation for NPs and the enhanced solubility of carbon into Ni NPs were believed to be keys for the lower temperature graphitization. Thus, it is concluded that the graphitization using NPs will open up a new strategy for the lower temperature growth of graphene.



[1] B. P. Jaisi, K. P. Sharma, S. Sharma, R. D. Mahyavanshi, G. Kalita and M. Tanemura, CrystEngComm 20 (2018) 5356-5363.

[2] S. Sharma, M. S. Rosmi, Y. Yaakob, M. Z. M. Yusop, G. Kalita,  M. Kitazawa, M. Tanemura, Carbon 132 (2018) 165-171.

[3] K. P. Sharma, S. Sharma, A. K. Sharma, B. P. Jaisi, G. Kalita, M. Tanemura, CrystEngComm 20 (2018) 550–555.


(1) S. Elnobi, S. Sharma,M. Ibrahim Araby, B. Paudel, G. Kalita, M. Zamri Yusop, M. E. Ayhan and M. Tanemura, RSC Advances 10 (2020) 914-922.

(2) S. Sharma, B. P. Jaisi, M. I. Araby, S. Elnobi, M. E. Ayhan, G. Kalita,  M. Tanemura, RSC Advances 9 (2019) 34377-34381.

6.関連特許(Patent)  None

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